Voodoohda For Mac
If you're a Mac OS X developer wannabe like me, you probably find that a Snow Leopard installation is never complete without the Developer Tools. It's what that Optional folder contains if you look inside a Mac OS X Retail DVD and once it's installed you get a powerful set of applications and tools that though intended for development for legit Macs, have proven to be beneficial to hackintosh/OSx86 rigs.
Those 'HF' releases wouldn't exist if not for PackageMaker, an application included in the Developer Tools package.
But PackageMaker is only one the many apps that come with Developer Tools - there's that very helpful IORegistry app for checking out your hardware as you tinker with DSDT, and Xcode of course, etc. But then there's also CHUD.
I get Kernel Panics more often with VoodooHDA reported as misbehaving which didn't happen when Developer Tools still weren't installed in my system.
Enter CHUD remover:
Comments are closed.VoodooHDA For Mac v2.9.2是由黑苹果社区编译的黑苹果万能声卡驱动,VoodooHDA是一个开源的声卡驱动程序,几乎整合了所有声卡型号,当我们安装好了黑苹果系统,不会使用仿冒声卡的情况下使用万能声卡驱动是不错的选择,你不需要配置什么,将它放入EFI-CLOVER-kexts下或者S-L-E下就可以了,我们. Minimoog v vst download.
- For VoodooHDA.kext you need to either remove or disable AppleALC.kext but VoodooHDA.kext is deprecated and hence, you will have the low sound on your system. SO, the best work around is to use AppleALC.kext which requires the original AppleHDA.kext on your S/L/E/ which will provide by @ALiveVam from his system.
- IOKitPersonalities SoundCard CFBundleIdentifier org.voodoo.driver.VoodooHDA IOClass VoodooHDADevice IOMatchCategory VoodooHDADevice color=#ff0000bIOPCIPrimaryMatch 0x284b8086 - place here deviceID of your sound card (Chipset HDA device, not a codecID!)/b/color IOProviderClass IOPCIDevice IOUserClientClass VoodooHDAUserClient.
Those 'HF' releases wouldn't exist if not for PackageMaker, an application included in the Developer Tools package.
Voodoohda Macos High Sierra
But PackageMaker is only one the many apps that come with Developer Tools - there's that very helpful IORegistry app for checking out your hardware as you tinker with DSDT, and Xcode of course, etc. But then there's also CHUD.
I get Kernel Panics more often with VoodooHDA reported as misbehaving which didn't happen when Developer Tools still weren't installed in my system.
Enter CHUD remover:
Voodoohda For Mac V2.9.2
I normally just search for it from Spotlight, so I wouldn't know the exact path to the remover.
Voodoohda Macos Catalina
Apparently, CHUD kexts (they get installed in /S/L/E btw) do not play well with VoodooHDA.kext.